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All domain name owners know that their domain name expiry date is very important. Who may be the reason, however, that they neglect the renewal of their domain name? Is there a way to improve that thing in order to make the domain name owners not to neglect their renewal?

The information for each domain name are known to the owner, but are also known to the domain name registration company as well as the domain name registry. Each domain name information can be found through a WHOIS search at the domain registry WHOIS lookup and through this way every domain owner can be informed about the expiration date of his domain name. While there are these possible solutions to prevent late payment and renewal of domain names, several owners neglect to renew their domain name on time. What are the reasons?

Research has shown that the most common reasons for delayed renewal of domain names are the following:

 The owner does not remembers the email that he has declared for his domain name.
  The email that is registered at domain name belongs to a person who does not work in the company, so he does not care about to notify the owners about the status of his domain name.
  The owner does not receive an email because his email belong to the domain name that he has not paid.
 Finally, an important role in the renewal of each domain name is held by the company that registers the domain name in any registry. Which at some extent ought to inform domain name owners about their domain name and its expiration date.

How can you have no issue with renewing your domain name?
Many are nowadays companies and individuals that register domain name in order to help domain name owners in their timely renewal, as well as to provide more services in the internet sector. is an official domain name registrar for all .gr domain name and also for the majority of all TLDs and gTLDs. provides frequent information about the expiration dates on all domain name customers, because we understand that the domain name consists a very important part of your company and your presence on the internet. That is the reason why we inform our customers about their domain name expiration date.

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