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A lot of researched, nowadays, have mentioned that the best way in order to have an efficient marketing plan for your company or your organization is the segmentation of your customers. Do you know what is segmentation and how it can improve your marketing?

 What doeas marketing segmentation means?
The segmentation means that you distinguish the people you have in your newsletter lists. By segmenting your contacts based on some of the common features of your customers. Through this way, your marketing either via email or via sms is automatically made more efficient because you will send products or services of interest to them and they will not be indifferent about the emails or sms they receive from your company or your organization. Segmentation is not an action that you do not know or you hear for the first time, it is an action that you do in your daily life, that is, another way of speaking when you talk to a friend of yours, rather than when you talk to a person in your family and another wat when you talk to your colleagues. So, customer segmentation helps you speak to your customers the way they want to be spoken to.

  When it will be necessary to do customer segmentation?
There are different uses of segmentation, but what your company's marketing department needs to understand is whether your customer list is made up of groups of people interested in different products or services that your company or organization provide.
So when does it make sense to use segmentation?
  1. When you offer multiple products that serve different customer audiences
  2. When you offer multiple products that serve different needs of the same customer audience
  3. When you offer the same product, but it serves multiple customer audiences
So, segment your customer audience if you sell products or services which are for groups of people with different needs.

  How you can understand that your marketing has better results with segmentation?
When you segment your marketing campaigns, you always get better results because users who receive email or sms for products or services of their interest are more likely to make a purchase rather than those who receive emails or sms for irrelevant products or services. So you make profit from them, because the interesred customer audience is more likely to buy your promoting products or services. So you have a profit from the markets that can be made by the interested audience, as you will have gained time after the targeted marketing for sending emails or sms is created faster than general marketing. This is because targeted marketing helps your marketing department to create an effective marketing campaign in a short period of time, knowing exactly what marketing should include for the target group. provides you with the best marketing services through the inSMS and inNewsletter application. The inSMS application, in addition to its easy-to-use, enables you to massively send sms to all your contacts at low cost. With regard to bulk emails, provides you with a modular application where you can store and view the results of your email campaign. The inNewsletter service also provides you with the ability to use ready-made templates to send your email campaign.

See inSMS application which innoview.grprovide!
See inNewsletter application which provide!