Your Internet Ally

The goal of all companies is salles, for this reason they have a website with e-shop. On some websites there is a greater need for resources (CPU, RAM), as a result to go beyond from the things what are provided. Most of them think about to change into VPS, but there is any better solution?

Usually if you have an e-shop either on PrestaShop or Magento, you would like to have the ultimate hosting service in order not to have problem with your customers. For this readon everyone always wants to have the most profitable hosting service, aiming to do not have any downtime problem.

Researches indicates that, nowadays the ultimate solution on these matters is the hosting services with the use of Elastic Site Plans. The majority of our customers, usually change their hosting service into VPS requiring more support and they are most likely to cancel it at the end. The change into VPS hosting service usually may cost up to 50% extra from the cost of the hosting service.

Hosting providers with Cloud Linux, which are providers of Elastic Site Plan provide to their customers the hosting services with the use of their resources (more RAM, CPU, etc.) as alternative solution to VPS hosting services, with low cost. provides at all Cloud Linux Hosting the choice of Elastic Site Plans.

Below we will see the advantages of Elastic Site Plans oppose to a VPS hosting service:

Solution typeElastic Sites PlansUnmanaged VPS
Resources (CPU, RAM, Entry Processes)CustomizableCustomizable
Server managementManagement from provider

Easy and automated
Management from user
SecurityIsolation from other accounts*

Security is provided by the provider
Isolation from other accounts*

Security procedure must be done from the user
BackupsIncludedNot included
Uptime monitoringIncludedNot included
User access control levelShared hosting accountRoot access
Cost to providerLowMedium
Cost to userLowMedium
*Cloud Linux CageFS isolates each client to a separate Lightweight Virtualized Environment (LVE), which allocates and limits server resources (such as RAM, CPU and Entry Processes). is an Elastic Site Plans provider in order to provide the best servicies at their customers and maintain the profit for their website and their company in general, because we understand the internet presence of our customer our ultimate goal.

See our Cloud Linux hosting services of with Elastic Site Plans!