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The inNewsletter application has the tools you need in order to create an attractive environment that will provide your newsletter recipients a pleasant and interesting briefing.By using images in the newsletter you can promote your products easily and intelligently.

By using images in the newsletter you can promote your products easily and intelligently. Below we will see some ways that an image can be used.

 Company logo
At the start of the newsletter there should be the business logo in order the recipients to immediately understand who sent them the message. Take for example the possibility to receive a newsletter from your favorite cloth brand, would you trust it without its official logo?

 Images with products
Images with your products should be included in order to attract the recipient and thus to visit your website or your physical store.

 Images as background
Another very good use of the image is to use it as a background, either in the whole newsletter or in a part of it.

Images are used to advertise products mainly. The reason for this is because an image is more attracted to the customer. Its use through the inNewsletter application its very simple. A successful newsletter has to contain right content, mages are a basic element of the content as they are the ones that will stimulate the interest so that the recipient can continue to read it. Important in images is that recipients can click on them and redirect to your site.

Use the inNewsletter trial now for free and learn more about all available newsletter packages.