Mobile MarketingThe original purpose of mobile phones was to communicate with people. Over time, they have evolved into high-end devices, which have the potential to provide users with more capabilities. The result of this is the development of mobile marketing.

Mobile marketing is a set of practices that enable companies and organizations to promote their products and services to the public in an interactive way on any mobile device. A prerequisite for this is that the recipient receives approval to receive any advertising campaign that minimizes the designation as spam. Below we will see two of the most popular ways of mobile marketing.

  Bulk sms

ΟThe most effective and economic direct way of advertising. Mass messaging sms is becoming popular because of its increased efficiency as the response time is just a few minutes. provides you with the inSMS utility.


Almost all mobile devices today support sending and receiving emails. The newsletter offers the ability to send picture, text, audio and video. Sending newsletters through newsletters is quite efficient and cost-effective as well as easy with the inNewsletter application we provide.

  Advertise efficiently and economically!  

In order to be able to make your nutritional campaign even more effective and successful through sms or newsletter, you can make your website responsive to mobile devices. This will result in the newsletter or sms being the url and the recipient can immediately visit your website. Also, QR Codes, which can be done with a simple scan of the image or visit the web without the need to type url, are also effective in such actions.

Use the marketing tools that offers you to advertise your company