The use of mobile phone is common in our everyday life. We want all websites to be friendly for mobiles in order to be more convenient. Google wants to change the policy about ranking results and move to the "mobile-first" era.

Various stydies show that a large percentage of total online traffic is made by mobile. Over time, however, this will continue to grow. That does not mean that they have stopped use their computers, but they are gradualy making more use of their mobile devices.

Below you can see a chart depicting online traffic via a computer and a mobile phone.

Due to the specific increase in the use of mobile devices Google wants to change the way via which it classifies web pages in its results. So, what she wants to do is rank it according to the content of the mobile web pages. Ranking, nowadays, is according to the content of the web pages for computers.

What that upcoming change means?
A non-mobile-friendly web site will be ranked lower than a mobile friendly web site. This change is expected to be made by Google in early 2018.

Below we will see what each website owner should do in order to be prepared for this change.

 If your website is not mobile-friendly, it should become.
 If your website is constructed with responsive technology, where its content is customized depending on the screen size, then you do not have to do anything.

Tip: Another control that makes Google and ranks high on the respective websites in search results is the use of SSL certificate!

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